
Deacon's Corner by the Rev. Paul Elder

There are two opportunities for outreach this month:

Saturday, November 20 we will join with 'About My Father's Business', in Reseda for lunch. This is for homeless and poor people in the area to get a variety of services, giveaways (including vaccine shots) and lunch. It is from 1-3 pm. Come for whatever time you can spare. Also, Monday, November 29 we are hosts for the SOS dinner, where we prepare meals for about 20 local homeless people at the Methodist Church. Both of these events are great ways to get together as a church group and help those in need. Remember Matthew 25:35-40. Let me know if you are able to help.


Deacon Paul


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Deacon's Corner

by Deacon Paul Elder

There are two opportunities for outreach this month:

Saturday, November 20 we will join with 'About My Father's Business', in Reseda for lunch. This is for homeless and poor people in the area to get a variety of services, giveaways (including vaccine shots) and lunch. It is from 1-3 pm. Come for whatever time you can spare. Also, Monday, November 29 we are hosts for the SOS dinner, where we prepare meals for about 20 local homeless people at the Methodist Church. Both of these events are great ways to get together as a church group and help those in need. Remember Matthew 25:35-40. Let me know if you are able to help.


Deacon Paul

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Sustainability Forum This Sunday

Contributed by Randy Brantley

Sustainability. It is a journey. Can we live as waste-free as possible? Everything you do has an impact on the community around you.  The USA is the most consuming nation in the world. We are conditioned to believe we are never enough. Buying, spending, and accumulating.  Will this lead to happiness? Can we help with climate change and reducing our landfills? Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. How can we at St. Aidan's be a part of this sustainability movement? Will we be ready in 2022 for CA SB 1383 that requires mandatory organic waste recycling? Let's talk about it (after Sunday services). Jayda Kechour, a Pepperdine senior sustainability major who lives on-site, will join us to share her sustainability experience and goals. The journey does not have to be overwhelming. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Little by little leads to a lot. 

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Kidz Café Open at St. Aidan's

Kidz Café Open at St. Aidan's

We had an excellent turnout for the beginning of programming this past week! Participants got to spend time chatting with Rev. Joyce about the parable of Sheep and Goats.

This week we’re talking about what it means to be humble in all that we do as we look at the gospel of Mark 9:30-37. Kids, bring your Bibles, or we will lend you one to start your scripture memory bank!

Parents or caregivers who have questions can learn more by visiting this link or by emailing Thomas at



Sunday EVENING Services Begin on October 3, 2021

Contributed by Thomas Buckley

St. Aidans at 5! Is a new worship service offering beginning Oct. 3, 2021 at 5 pm. It will be held outside on our patio and is a more meditative service with the liturgy being inspired by different cultures and religions. Liturgy includes music and readings that are meant for us to reflect on the week past and the week to come. Bring your friends and family for worship as we continue to journey together. If you would like to be a reader, please email!

St. Aidan's at 5 choir! That's right, you saw the word choir! With the service being held outside, we are able to offer an opportunity to sing together as a choral program! We will still require masks to be worn and social distancing. If you would like to participate in the St. Aidan's at 5 choir, please email Every thought about joining the choir but didn't think you had the time? Not to worry, you can come at 4 pm and learn the music with our St. Aidan's Choral Scholars! All ages are welcome!

Welcome Payton Ballinger and Jace Vandelin to the St. Aidan's Community. Students at Pepperdine, they are the newest addition to our music ministry serving as the Soprano and Tenor choral scholars. Our four choral scholars begin their ministry with us each week as they help lead us in song. Please introduce yourself to them and welcome them to our community!

Please come join us for a special monthly offering led by St. Aidan's clergy and members of the student body at Pepperdine. If you would like to participate by singing, playing an instrument, or doing a reading, please contact Thomas at



Kidz Café Opens at St. Aidan's

Contributed by Thomas Buckley

Would you like to help your child develop psychological awareness and social competency skills? Do you want to provide them with an environment in which to cultivate lifelong, supportive friendships? Would you like them to learn about mindfulness, practice creation-care, read inspirational stories about overcoming significant challenges, and discover how to advocate for and serve those less fortunate?

Join us each Sunday at St. Aidan’s for Kidz Café, a drop-in, FREE program. All ages, from toddlers to teens, are welcome. (Masking is requested for anyone over 2.) Age-appropriate activities will be offered for each group, with each week’s lesson led by clergy and volunteers. A special snack, just for participants, will also be served at the Café. If you would like to volunteer to teach or assist with an upcoming lesson, please email Thomas Buckley at

Foster your family’s well-being by bringing the children to Kidz Café this Sunday.


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Music Ministry Begins Again

Contributed by Thomas Buckley

We are thrilled to welcome back Danielle Adair and Jack Gerding this Sunday, September 12, 2021, at the 10:00 a.m. service, as we restart the choral scholars' rotation program!

St. Aidan's is known for the excellence of its choral music program, and we are excited about continuing this tradition.

If you would like to help lead worship with song, dance, or instruments, please contact Thomas at All are welcome! 

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Feast of St. Francis and Blessing of the Animals

Contributed by Rev. Dr. Joyce Stickney

Fly, hop, slither, swim or trot to St. Aidan’s for the Feast of St. Francis on Sunday, October 3, 2021. Bring your animal companions for a special blessing at the 10:00 a.m. service.

We pray on this day for God’s blessing upon these beloved creatures who express God’s unconditional love, playfulness, and exuberant joy to us.  You are also invited to bring photos of those animals that have been a close part of your life and have passed away. 

“All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voices, let us sing:  Alleluia!”



Harvest of Hope 2021

Contributed by Sky Stipanowich

After much discussion, we have determined that St. Aidan's will celebrate Harvest of Hope 2021!

Due to COVID and uncertainties about gatherings in the future, invitees will be church members and a few of our friends. There will be no ticket sales, but we will have a small silent auction.

The all-church event will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 6, 2021. The band "Old Dawgs, New Tricks" will be back by popular demand, and we plan on having a Taco Truck with a suggested donation basket.

A direct appeal to the church will fund our regular outreach so that the money raised will go directly to those vital and important causes such as the Malibu Labor Exchange, Vida Joven, and World Vision.

Please SAVE THE DATE to spend quality time in the community on a beautiful afternoon in November! Contact Sky at (310) 579-7302 or if you'd like to help. If you want to donate an item or gift certificate to the silent auction, we will gladly accept. A sign-up sheet will circulate so we have an idea of how many plan to attend.

See you on the dance floor!



Going Deeper

Contributed by Rev. Ed Milkovich

When you leave the theatre after seeing a film, do you want to discuss it with friends? Do you only read books suggested by your book club so you can chat about what you’re reading?

Inspired by parishioner interest, we are pleased to announce that starting this Sunday, September 12, 2021, the homilist of the day will host a discussion period at the end of the service. Those who are interested in sharing their thoughts or questions concerning the day’s homily, readings, or Gospel passage will meet each Sunday at the patio table. Grab a coffee and head over for some lively conversation. 



Scripture Scramble Practice!

Contributed by Thomas Buckley

Below are some previous scripture scrambles for your practice.

And don’t forget to join us immediately following the service on Sunday, September 12, to play!

• Own toeehferr rreevee eht LRDO, dan reesv mhi ni iienrstyc nad fsihtsnlafeu. (Joshua 24)

• D'ont dad ngihatny ot hte rowd taht I ma niaocngmmd uoy, nad otn'd teka nnyigtha ywaa fomr ti. (Deteronomy 4)

• Ppahy era heyt how vhae het dGo fo caJob orf ehtir leph! (Psalm 146)



School Supplies Collection

Contributed by Deacon Paul Elder

Every year St. Aidan’s collects school supplies to help less fortunate students obtain necessary school supplies. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please bring the following items to church this Sunday, September 5. Please place items in the box to the right of the sanctuary door. Supplies needed include -


3-Ring binders

Child-safe scissors

Composition books

Crayola markers




Glue sticks


Ink pens

Notebook paper

Number #2 pencils

Pencil sharpeners



Cash or check donations should be made to the plate on Sunday or through this link. Be sure to specify “School Supplies Collection” in the memo section of your check or online donation.



Welcome Home Sunday and Ministry Faire

Contributed by Rev. Dr. Joyce Stickney

Each year, when everyone has returned safe, sound, and refreshed from summer vacation, St. Aidan's celebrates Welcome Home Sunday. This year's "homecoming" will be on Sunday, September 12, at the 10 a.m. service, with a special luncheon and Ministry Faire to follow.

There are a lot of ways to get involved at St. Aidan's. For example, you may wish to volunteer at the church, serve on the vestry or Altar Guild, sponsor one or more coffee hours, or assist with children's ministries. There are also opportunities to get involved in community outreach by volunteering for Standing on Stone or My Father's Business (homeless outreach), or Vida Joven (orphanage for children of incarcerated parents in Tijuana), or World Vision (providing clean water in less developed countries).

We hope you'll take advantage of this one-stop-shopping opportunity to chat with ministry leaders and learn more about the ways you can help bring God's kingdom here to earth.

·         Altar Guild

·         Fostering and/or Adopting Children in LA County

·         Harvest of Hope

·         Homeless Connect Day

·         Kidz Café (Children's ministries)

·         Lay Eucharistic Ministry

·         My Father's Business

·         Standing on Stone

. Stewardship - NEW

·         Vermiculture and Gardens at St. Aidan's - NEW

·         World Vision Run for Clean Water

…and many more


Virtual Centering Prayer — Fridays at Noon

Contributed by Deacon Paul Elder

Centering Prayer is a method of contemplative prayer in which we rest silently in the presence of God. It is a very simple method that is easy to learn. We may think of prayer as thoughts or feelings expressed in words, but this is not the only form of prayer.

In Matthew 6:6 Jesus says: “Whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” Centering Prayer is a way of saying ‘Here I am.’ The next step is up to God. It is a way of putting yourself at God’s disposal; it is God who determines the consequences.

Please join us (virtually) every Friday at noon (sharp!) for thirty minutes of silent prayer led by Deacon Paul. To join the Centering Prayer meetings, click the link HERE or use the link found near the bottom of the church website home page.

Stay safe, stay faithful, -- Deacon Paul